On 2016-09-01 12:21 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-09-01 at 04:12 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> > I'll look into those and see if they have diverged from upstream
> > significantly.

OK. summary:
   - nvidia-texture-tools 1.7 (src/nvtt/squish)
   - 0ad                  1.7 (libraries/source/nvtt/src/src/nvtt/squish/)
   - spring               1.10  (rts/lib/squish)
   - openimageio (embed)  1.10+ (1.10+metric) (src/dds.imageio/squish)
   - xbmc (embed)         1.10+ (1.10+metric/BC4/5) (lib/libsquish)
   - kodi (embed)         1.10+ (1.10+metric/BC4/5) 
   - mame (embed)         1.13+ BC4,BC5formats 

kodi: BC4 and BC5 compression support (merged)
      pkgconfig file. (merged)
      makefile .so support (already upstream)
      support for BGRA as well as RGBA sources.
      compute Block MSE (reduces banding in flat colour areas)
xbmc: identical to kodi
      Darwin support in Makefile.in
mame: current version, with the BC4/5 support from kodi
nvidia-texture-tools (identical to 0ad, except  1-char change.
       Vec4 m_unweighted[17]; (instead of 16)? in fastclusterfit.h. Is that 

spring is basically as upstream

I have merged most of these extras into upstream (still need to do
BGRA support and block MSE calcs). That will give one version that
should work fine in all these packages. I'm in contact with upstream
about how much of this they want to merge ('all of it' seems

Then I'll upload and file bugs against all these packages about the
option to use a system library.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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