On 02-Sep-2016, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:

> The real problem with the JS libs that are missing on Debian is
> their dependency on Grunt.

This is a problem with many JavaScript packages, I agree. A related
problem is the common lack of any clear instruction for how the
package is meant to be built from its source.

> To be fair, I recently packaged selectize.js (which also depends on
> Grunt), and I spent a big time creating a replacement for it using
> only GNU tools available on Debian, but I don't feel like doing that
> for every other library.

Please join the discussion at the ‘pkg-javascript-devel’ forum
to join forces with others in tackling this problem.

 \         “Of all classes the rich are the most noticed and the least |
  `\      studied.” —John Kenneth Galbraith, _The Age of Uncertainty_, |
_o__)                                                             1977 |
Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org>

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