On Sunday, September 04 2016, Ben Finney wrote:

>> To be fair, I recently packaged selectize.js (which also depends on
>> Grunt), and I spent a big time creating a replacement for it using
>> only GNU tools available on Debian, but I don't feel like doing that
>> for every other library.
> Please join the discussion at the ‘pkg-javascript-devel’ forum
> <URL:https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-javascript-devel/2016-September/013682.html>
> to join forces with others in tackling this problem.

To be honest, I do not have time nor interest now to spend my energy
solving this JS problem.  My total focus now is getting pagure ready for
Debian in the best way I can.  Also, from my recent experience packaging
some JS libs, I fear that the building issue will not be solved in the
near future.


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