package: splashy
severity: wishlist


thanks for packaging splashy, it works great here :-)

The FAQ on says
How can I use another fb driver other than VESA (or, My BIOS doesn't support 

Instead of vga=0×314 use video=MYFB (where MYFB can be any of your kernel’s 
framebuffer drivers) in your bootloader’s configuration file.

This (the "instead") is not true here. I have to set both vga= and radeonfb= 
to get a working splash-screen while booting.

"video=radeonfb:[EMAIL PROTECTED] vga=795" is what I have in 
my /boot/grub/menu.lst.

And, please put this information into /usr/share/doc/splashy/README(.Debian) 
as it's inconvinient to browse the web to learn about how to properly 
configure the package. (BTW, the README.Debian could also be cleaned up for 
better readability :)

Also it would be nice if you would mention "splashy_config" in the 


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