على الجمعـة 28 تشرين الأول 2016 ‫00:51، كتب Afif Elghraoui:
> Hi, Andreas,
> على الجمعـة 28 تشرين الأول 2016 ‫00:18، كتب Andreas Tille:
>> Any other volunteer?  I think if the problem persists until our advent
>> bug squashing party I'll ask for removal of the packages for the
>> affected architectures. 
> We'd need a new source package, not just a new binary package for the
> pysam source code. I think you can expect for this bug not to be
> resolved soon, so I see that it is either the pysam source-package copy
> or the removal of rdeps on i386.

Come to think of it, this might not be the only hurdle. If bcftools
becomes available on i386, pysam might still not be able to build on it
because of #834856 -- that is a FTBFS on 32-bit platforms and it affects
the samtools interface. I hadn't forwarded that report to pysam upstream
because it was originally reported as a mips-specific problem. I can
probably forward that tomorrow.


Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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