(resending again to the correct addresses; I could never get used to debbugs CC 

Ximin Luo:
> Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
>> The date from the last sourceful upload should probably still be used
>> for any date/time information included in generated files to ensure
>> they are identical on all architectures (or at least to try to do so).
>> If you change the date in the binNMU entry, SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH should
>> probably be set to the date of the last sourceful upload (instead of
>> just using the most recent changelog entry).
> Holger Levsen wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 08:59:48AM -0200, Johannes Schauer wrote:
>>> One solution would be to increase SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH by 1 second for every
>>> binNMU to a package.
>>> Any other ideas?
>> set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to the creation time of that changelog.$arch
>> entry?
> I'm tending towards the latter suggestion because it's simpler. There's no 
> need to stick to a +1 second scheme etc, and it might mislead people into 
> thinking they can do calculations with this - such as reversing the original 
> timestamp of the sourceful-upload.
> Our naming of "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" did not really take into account the fact 
> that a source package can be built with many different configurations to 
> create many different build products that are each reproducible themselves. 
> (Debian itself also doesn't do this too clearly, the "+bn" syntax "looks 
> like" it's just a suffix but actually signals an entirely different namespace 
> from source package versions.)
> If it helps one sleep better, one can interpret the "SOURCE" in 
> "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" to refer to "all implicit and explicit inputs of the 
> build result, including the source code of the package being built but also 
> the binary build dependencies".
> (If you want to be super-accurate, you can take the max() of all of the 
> changelogs of all of the transitive build-deps, but I think that's going a 
> bit too far.)
> X

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