When you clone the master branch from the sourceforge repo, the Debian
package won't compile without a whole lot of tweaking. Instead of
belatedly merging Debian changes into the upstream branch, I propose
that it be kept in a separate branch so that it's exactly the same as
(or newer than) what you get with "apt-get source". It would make
contributing code much easier.

If you take a look at the sf/master and debian/sid branches in my github
repo, that's what I suggest the upstream and debian branches look like.

Anyway, I have rebased my fix for this bug based on these new branches
in debian/openjpeg2, as well as sf/openjpeg2, should you want the
changes in the upstream branch as well.

On 12/11/16 15:28, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sat, 2016-11-12 at 14:53 +1100, Carlos Maddela wrote:
>> I will make my changes available at ... on the openjpeg2 branch for
>> your perusal.
> Looks like you forgot to push the branch. Also, please clone from the
> upstream git repo instead of importing the Debian tarballs into git.
> https://sourceforge.net/p/icns/code/ci/master/tree/

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