* Emmanuel Bourg:

> Hi Logan,
> If you need Elasticsearch on Debian/Ubuntu your best bet for now is to
> install the upstream package available on the download page [1]. The
> elasticsearch package maintained by Debian isn't ready for prime time
> yet and will probably not be part of the Stretch release.

As the person who did the initial packaging work, I second this.

While it might be nice to get the package in order, I do not feel that
it's worth it. At this point, Elasticsearch is a crippled open-core
product that can only be properly used if one pays to use non-free
plug-ins for basic features that ought to be part of the core in the
first place, i.e. authentication or the option of encrypting inter-node

It is unclear to me whether or not upstream considers the 1.7 release
still supported. From my previous interactions with them regarding
security fixes I got the sense that this is not the case. They are not
even interested in providing detailed information about CVE-worthy
security issues that may help wih backporing.


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