
I would like to work on the new upstream version of AUCTeX, there are
several things I wish to discuss first

- there are two version,
  1. the main AUCTeX site give me 11.89[1]
  2. GNU elpa has 11.89.7[2]

  It seem more logical to use the latter, but it will change the source
  of the .orig
- speaking about elpa, it would be neat to convert the packaging to
  dh-elpa[3][4] (even more if our upstream is GNU elpa).

  That said, AUCTeX look like a relatively complex package, so the
  conversion might not be simple, so I might pass on this if it appear
  it is too complex (but dh-elpa is simple)
- Also I didn't yet look at why eperl was needed, could you give me any
  lead before I dive into history?
- speaking about tooling, what tool are you using for maintaining
  AUCTeX, so I could coordinate with it?
- I would also like to add myself to the uploader field, to make such a
  big change not a NMU
- For now, I will continue to use my anonscm.debian.org git repo[5], but
  it might be simpler to use collab-maint as git repository, if you
  agree on it.

If you have any comment, veto on part (or all) of this, work in
progress, anything I look forward to collaborate with you. 

1: https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/download-for-unix.html
2: https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/auctex.html
3: https://packages.debian.org/sid/dh-elpa
4: https://pkg-emacsen.alioth.debian.org/elpa-hello/
5: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/vanicat/auctex.git/
Rémi Vanicat

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