>>>>> RV == Rémi Vanicat [2016-11-27] RV> Hello, I would like to work on the new upstream version of AUCTeX, RV> there are several things I wish to discuss first
Hello Rémi, first of all I'd like to thank for your interest and your work. At this moment I'm working on the auctex package with Norbert Preining: you are welcome to join the effort, but we need to coordinate ourselves. You can find Norbert auctex git repository at <git://anonscm.debian.org/users/preining/auctex.git>. My plan is to review Norbert work and pull from it. RV> - there are two version, RV> 1. the main AUCTeX site give me 11.89[1] RV> 2. GNU elpa has 11.89.7[2] RV> It seem more logical to use the latter, but it will change the source RV> of the .orig Thinking about it, my decision is to use 11.89 from the main AUCTeX site. We will think about GNU elpa in the future. RV> - speaking about elpa, it would be neat to convert the packaging to RV> dh-elpa[3][4] (even more if our upstream is GNU elpa). See above. RV> - Also I didn't yet look at why eperl was needed, could you give me any RV> lead before I dive into history? I started to use ePerl in 1999. At that time either we had no helpers, or I was not satisfied with what we had. I used ePerl to add configurable boilerplate chunks to my packages debian files. By now ePerl is just a convenience to add copyright stuff and manage certain source comments. It does not hurt, so just don't worry about it, work on the source "*.eperl" files, and execute "debian/rules" if you feel the need to update the tree (anyway, it will get automatically updated as soon as you or your tools use debian/rules to build the package). RV> - speaking about tooling, what tool are you using for maintaining RV> AUCTeX, so I could coordinate with it? GPB; see <https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/salve/auctex.git/>, fetch the "auctex-plan" branch and read the "TODO.org" file, in particular the section titled "Repository layout info". RV> - I would also like to add myself to the uploader field, to make RV> such a big change not a NMU Let us first work together. If we manage to coordinate, we will think about it later. RV> - For now, I will continue to use my anonscm.debian.org git repo[5], RV> but it might be simpler to use collab-maint as git repository, if RV> you agree on it. For the moment I'd rather keep using <https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/salve/auctex.git/> as the official package repository. -- Thanks, Davide