Control: retitle -1 python-coverage: install bundled third-party 
‘jquery.hotkeys.js’ library

On 15-Dec-2016, Loic Dachary wrote:
> In the case of this javascript dependency, there is no reliable API,
> no backward compatibility and no releases.

That sounds like you're trying to convince people to never use this
library :-) How did you reach those condemning conclusions?

> Do you acknowledge that packaging with dependencies that
> are different from those provided in the upstream source may
> introduce bugs ?

Certainly, any change to any software can introduce bugs. Why do you
ask whether I acknowledge that?

If I understand you correctly, you are asking in this bug report that
Debian's ‘python-coverage’ packages would bundle a third-party library
that is a slightly different version of the already-packaged

That isn't an option, as explained earlier. So we'll need to seek
another solution. I think correct solutions would include:

* Remove the dependency. If the state of that code is as bad as you
  say, this would be a good option; I hope we'll find that it's not as
  dire as you portray above.

* Make the dependency optional. This is recorded in the
  issue tracker <URL:>.

* Bring forward to use the latest API for ‘jquery.hotkeys’.

There may be other options. What are your thoughts?

 \       “He was the mildest-mannered man / That ever scuttled ship or |
  `\       cut a throat.” —“Lord” George Gordon Noel Byron, _Don Juan_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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