On 12/17/2016 08:22 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 15-Dec-2016, Loic Dachary wrote:
>> On 12/15/2016 11:09 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
>>> So we'll need to seek another solution. I think correct solutions
>>> would include:
>>> * Remove the dependency. If the state of that code is as bad as
>>>   you say, this would be a good option; I hope we'll find that
>>>   it's not as dire as you portray above.
>>> * Make the dependency optional. This is recorded in the
>>>   Coverage.py issue tracker 
>>> <URL:https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/279/>.
>>> * Bring Coverage.py forward to use the latest API for
>>>   ‘jquery.hotkeys’.
>>> There may be other options. What are your thoughts?
>> The better option would be to have automated tests verifying the
>> differences between the upstream files and the dependencies do not
>> introduce regressions or behavior changes.
> That's a good suggestion.
> Even with that, though, we would still have no resolution to the bug
> you've reported. Can you speak to what resolution you expect? One of
> the ones I listed above, or something else?

I expressed, as clearly as I could, what is at stake. Not only for this 
dependency but also for other dependencies. I trust you will decide for a 
solution that preserves the integrity of the software as well as the Debian 

Thanks !

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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