On 2006-06-28 13:55:18 [+0200], j...@roesner.it wrote:
> The verification of CRL's does not work correctly. What happens is:
> $>openssl crl -inform PEM -in ca-1.crl.pem -CAfile ca-1.pem -noout
> $>verify OK
> Then I try :
> $>openssl crl -inform PEM -in ca-1.crl.pem -CAfile ca-2.pem -noout
> $>verify OK
> But ca-1.pem and ca-2.pem are completely different certificates. In
> Version 0.9.7i this error did not occur. Please fix.

Does this still happen and does it happen if you add
  -no-CAfile -no-CApath 
to the check? I assume that the CAfile you specified is ignored because
the default CA matches.

> Thx in advance
> Jan Roesner
> j...@roesner.it


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