On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 08:58:20PM +0100, Thibaut Paumard wrote:
> Sure, maintainer gets the last say.
> > Lowering down to important. Please see 
> > https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#severities
> That's were I got this:
> grave
>     [...] causes data loss [...]
> which looks appropriate since :
> > On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 08:08:47PM +0100, Thibaut Paumard wrote:
> >> This is not only anoying but also can cause data loss as I can end up
> >> deleting messages inadvertently. Forunately I have never actually
> >> purged a directory when that happened, but I consider myself lucky.

Well, loosing a email wouldn't I call data loss in the meaning of the
severities. And for really deleting a email you would need to press
SHIFT + DEL. It's very unlikely that this is happen by full control in
case you will write up a new email.

If we would mark this issue grave or serious the bug report became
release critical, that means we need to fix such problems first.
Otherwise no new version can go into testing.
As long as no other people having the same problem in many cases I tend
to say this isn't grave. I haven't seen this problem you describe ever
here, and I usually use the keyboard more than the mouse.
Nor I have lost a email conversion while creating a new one.

I normally also use Gnome3 only, if this happen with KDE too that's maybe
Icedove related, otherwise I think it could be a issue by the DE. But
without other people who can confirm this issue it's quite impossible to
figure out that's going wrong on your installation.


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