On Tue, 2017 Mar 28 08:36+0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> >
> > > That installation would fail with a non clear message if the Java
> > > support is not there. -> Bad.
> > >
> > > We had that "fun" in the past...
> >
> > So, there are Java-based LibreOffice extension packages that do not
> > properly declare their Java dependencies?
> I didn't say "packages"? Extensions from the wild, from upstream, from
> LOs extension website _in oxt format_.

If LibreOffice is installed without Java runtime support, then how is
the failed installation of Java-based third-party extensions a
problem? That is exactly what should happen.

> > ...are in libobasis5.2-extension-report-builder-,
> > not in libobasis5.2-core- The situation is the
> > same in 5.3.
> Hmm, then I misremember and need to dig out again why this was in the
> metapackage...

I'm curious...

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