On Wed, 2017 Mar 29 09:58+0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Or one can Recommends: it in libreoffice. Yeah.

Well, I guess that would let me do what I originally wanted...

    # apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-java-common-
    (note the minus at the end)

to install LibreOffice without the Java stuff, even if a JRE is already

> And what if they decide to remove it later? And autoremove kicks in?
> They will have their stuff break suddenly.

If they remove packages that provide X, then things that require X
will break. This is a fact of the universe, people have to learn this
sooner or later.

> Still that is not obvious, and even newbies sometimes get told you
> disable Recommends: install.. That was *your* argument when we came up
> with -base-drivers and -sdbc-hsqldb.

If they disable Recommends:, then they don't get the JRE, and Java stuff
breaks anyway. The only way to change this is to make "libreoffice" hard-
depend on a JRE, and (thankfully) you've already said that you don't
want this.

> I will _think_ about just Recommending java-common.

It may not be the cleanest solution IMO, but this would be enough to
make LO installation sane for me.

> But that is it. In no way will every Java dependency move to java-
> common (and that is what this bug is about, if you wanted
> something else you would have written something else), because
> that would be bogus.

Given your role as maintainer of the LO beast, I thought you would want
to simplify the dependency tree as much as possible.

> And this will be my last mail to this "bug".

That is okay with me.



Daniel Richard G. || sk...@iskunk.org
My ASCII-art .sig got a bad case of Times New Roman.

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