On Sun, 24 May 2015 12:34:59 +0200 Ross Gammon <r...@the-gammons.net> wrote:
> -uglifyjs (already packaged as node-uglify)
> -rimraf (already pckage as node-rimraf)
> -optimist (already packaged as node-optimist)
> -mocha (already packaged as libjs-mocha & mocha)
> -mkdirp (already packaged as node-mkdirp)
> -glob (already packaged as node-glob)
> -cross-spawn (already packaged & in the NEW queue as node-cross-spawn)
> -cli-table (already packaged & in the NEW queue as node-cli-table)
> -browserify
> -acorn (already packaged & in NEW queue as part of the acorn package)
> I have stopped work on this, waiting for node packages to start leaving
> the NEW queue.

All of them are in archive. Can we have just the nodejs part packaged
until we get browserify?

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