
On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 09:48:47AM +0200, GT wrote:
>    * What was the outcome of this action?
> AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.thunderbird in
> /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.thunderbird at line 1: Fo
we don't ship any files to /etc/apparmor.d/local so I assume you have
left over some other stuff there for Thunderbirdi?

We do include the folder /etc/apparmor.d/local (see line 293f) in the
shipped apparmor file.


> # aa-disable thunderbird
> ERROR: Syntax Error: Unknown line found in file local/usr.bin.thunderbird 
> line 896:

The error is pointing to a line 896 in that file, so I assume you have
ro take a look at that line.


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