Sven Joachim - 13.07.17, 11:41:
> > Ideally I think screen would recognize that the remote machine doesn´t
> > have  the terminal description and try from fallback terminal (i.e.
> > "screen-256color" which appears to work nice on all Debian 8, CentOS 7,
> > SLES  12). Like:
> > 
> > fallbackterm screen-256color screen
> > 
> > But that would be an upstream feature request and I am not sure whether it
> > is  reasonably possible to implement it. If so, I am willing to create
> > one.
> It is not possible at all because screen cannot even notice that you're
> intending to connect to a remote machine, much less read that machine's
> terminal database.  Only programs on the remote machine can notice that
> there's no terminal entry for your $TERM, and since they have no clue
> what terminal emulator you use, they cannot provide a fallback either
> (except "dumb" perhaps, which is not too useful).

Okay. Then I´d say say the best thing would be to recommend to use "term 
screen256-color" in /etc/screenrc until every distro out there has those 
"screen.something-256color" definitions.

I basically understand what screen upstream developers are trying to achieve 

1. Screen seems to need a different terminal definition than for example xterm 
or Konsole. Unlike tmux, but see below.

2. Screen used "screen" for a long time.

3. To support 256 colors screen would need to use a different terminal 

4. Instead of just using "screen-256color" it tries to accomodate for special 
terminal emulator needs by trying whether "screen.something-256color" exists 

Now my question would be: Do current terminal emulators like xterm or Konsole 
really have special needs? My Konsole doesn´t even use "konsole-256color".

Okay, further testing ahead:

=== Konsole ===

- TERM="xterm-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="konsole-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="screen-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="tmux-256color" aptitude => Ok

=== GNU screen ===

- TERM="xterm-256color" aptitude => Broken, background color missing in empty 
- TERM="konsole-256color" aptitude => Broken, background color missing in 
empty areas
- TERM="screen-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="tmux-256color" aptitude => Ok

=== tmux ===

- TERM="xterm-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="konsole-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="screen-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="tmux-256color" aptitude => Ok

Can´t we just have *that* for screen as well?


- TERM=screen tmux => screen
- TERM=screen-256color tmux => screen
- TERM=xterm-256color tmux => screen
- TERM=konsole-256-color tmux => screen

Option "-2" forces tmux to assume it has 256 colors. So lets see:

- TERM=screen tmux => screen
- TERM=screen-256color tmux => screen
- TERM=xterm-256color tmux => screen
- TERM=konsole-256-color tmux => screen

*Seriously* there *are* different oppinions there on how to handle these 

=== xterm ===

- TERM="xterm-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="konsole-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="screen-256color" aptitude => Ok
- TERM="tmux-256color" aptitude => Ok


Only screen seems to need special "screen" like terminal definitions. The 
others don´t care. Didn´t test any libvte pased terminal so far.

Can´t we just have all terminals have UTF-8 with 256 colors and get rid of 
these terminal definitions :). I have seen more about the behavior of terminal 
emulations than I ever wanted to know now.


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