Control: retitle -1 pcre2: Please switch to 3.0 (quilt)

I filed which has now been closed. I
kinda feel like my bug was hijacked by a dgit supporter. pcre2 is the
first package I've noticed where dgit is used and to put it bluntly,
it hasn't left a good impression. I'm sure I'm coming across as upset
but I waited almost 6 months and the only improvement we got is a
minimal README.

Please switch to a standard 3.0 (quilt) workflow. I assume that
dgit-maint-gbp will work fine. That way you can keep using dgit since
apparently you like it. And the packaging is actually maintained in a
way that will allow for Ubuntu developers to easily backport security

Otherwise, I feel like Ubuntu is more or less forced to "fork" the
packaging in Ubuntu to switch to 3.0 (quilt) to have a normal, modern

Secondly, please add Vcs fields to your debian/control . That way
someone doesn't have to find and read a README first. The Vcs fields
have nice integration on pages like

Jeremy Bicha

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