
On 30/11/17 22:42, Jeremy Bicha wrote:

> Secondly, please add Vcs fields to your debian/control . That way
> someone doesn't have to find and read a README first. The Vcs fields
> have nice integration on pages like
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/mdadm

Let me deal with this first. I've just uploaded a new package which has
Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser headers.

> I filed https://bugs.debian.org/862425 which has now been closed. I
> kinda feel like my bug was hijacked by a dgit supporter. pcre2 is the
> first package I've noticed where dgit is used and to put it bluntly,
> it hasn't left a good impression. I'm sure I'm coming across as upset
> but I waited almost 6 months and the only improvement we got is a
> minimal README.

I'm sorry you don't like dgit, and I am happy to try and make your life
easier, but fundamentally I think it's a good workflow. I'm adjusting my
workflow to more closely match that outlined in dgit-maint-merge(7),
which should help.

To expand on that a little - I like using git for my packaging, and dgit
makes that quite a natural process. From that point of view, a
convenient and powerful git workflow is more important to me than what
exactly the Debian source package looks like. Quilt is a pain when
working with git - it's like a separate bit of awkward versioning in the
middle of your vcs tree. Given both of these things, it doesn't make
sense for me to prioritise quilt over a neater git workflow.

dgit is quite new, so I don't think describing it as not a modern
workflow is very fair.



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