Hello Van,

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 04:20:31PM -0500, Van wrote:
> I downgraded today from 4.13.0-1 to 4.9.0-2.1.  Initially, I wasn't able to 
> connect via wireless.  Network manager made several attempts then just 
> stopped trying.  I then restarted network manager service (systemctl restart 
> network-manager.service), but network manager made several unsuccessful 
> attempts to connect and then just stopped trying.  After a few more minutes, 
> network manager successfully connected.  So, perhaps 4.9.0-2.1 just caused an 
> issue(s) where it takes network manager longer to establish a wifi connection.
> I'm including additional info below.  Again though, my belief is that 
> whatever the issue is with 4.9.0-2.1, if there is an issue, appears to have 
> been resolved with 4.13.0-1.  My wifi connection is established without issue 
> upon bootup with 4.13.0-1.
> I don't know if it's relevent, but when looking through the output of 
> journalctl, a different MAC is set for my wireless card and then gets set to 
> the real MAC.

I'm quite sure NetworkManager and iproute2 are completely unrelated.
They have nothing in common other than both talking directly to the
kernel via the netlink protocol. (In other words, NetworkManager
does not utilize ip(route2).)

The information in this bug report is quite vague and it seems to me
like the problem you might have seen could have been just by chance
matching to your up/downgrades of the iproute2 package version.

I think there's enough information here to close this bug report but
will leave that decition up to the new maintainer(s).

Andreas Henriksson

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