
and thanks for reporting this bug. Unfortunately, although I've tried
various approaches, I've so far been unable to reproduce it.

Would you mind trying to compile the binary from source, and testing
whether this works at all? Also, in case it doesn't, it would be very
helpful if you could send the crash info it produces to me. Here's one
way how to build from source:

sudo apt-get install git autoconf automake gcc libsdl2-dev make
libxml2-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev  libncursesw5-dev libsndfile1-dev
git clone --recursive https://github.com/chrender/fizmo-dist
cd fizmo-dist
autoreconf -fvi
mkdir -p $HOME/opt/fizmo
./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/fizmo --enable-tracing
make install
$HOME/opt/fizmo/bin/fizmo-sdl2 <some-z-machine-file>

Careful: The "--enable-tracing" switch will cause the fizmo binaries
built by this compiler run to create a file named "tracelog.txt" in the
current directory which will get very large very fast. In case the
fizmo-sdl2 built by this procedure crashes like the packaged debian
version, please compress the tracelog.txt and send it to me.

Thanks in advance,

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