
On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 12:43:58AM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> from irc:
> < Natureshadow> 78 GiB reserved for "debianfreespace"
> < Natureshadow> And /var only 5.2 GiB
> < h01ger> Natureshadow: maaaaaaaaaaaaybe put that in the bug? i know, ranting 
> on irc is fun, but....
> < h01ger> and then you could also resize /var during installing...
> < h01ger> debian-edu-autofsresize will do the job nicely and is documented

Resizing the partitions during installation in the /target chroot works.

On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 08:01:34PM +0100, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 05:19:01PM +0100, Dominik George wrote:
> > I spent two days trying to install Debian Edu (combined server) in a
> > virtual machine. I started with 100 GiB hard disk, then tried 150 GiB,
> > and finally 220 GiB. The LTSP chroot installation always fails with no
> > space left in /opt/var/cache/apt.
> >
> > Installing Debain Edu is not possible.
> I was unable to reproduce it (recommended 'desktop=lxde' setting, see manual).
> I figure you used 'desktop=kde' (default kernel command line entry, common for
> all profiles); in this single case LTSP installation fails reproducibly.

OK. I read the manual (again) and do find a short note that lxde should
be used for LTSP, but what you write here sounds like more than a simple
recommendation. Maybe the manual should be clearer about that (the note
is also very well hidedn, IMHO - the paragraph is about changing the
desktop environment from the default, so I'd skip reading it if I don't
care changing the default).

> In the past I've tested also this case taking into account that reading a
> manual isn't fun for most people and thus will simply hit return; back then
> the KDE variant used to work as well, enough space was left.


But really - we should absolutely test the installer as it comes out of
the box. I really think most people will want to use it that way.

> Now, the netinstall ISO image being outdated and a lot of updated packages
> getting installed after point release 9.4, /var/cache/apt/archives is filled
> up and about 100 MiB space is missing.
> (As LTSP mounts the server Apt cache and arch=i386 is the LTSP default, a 
> whole
> bunch of unneeded packages plus the updated ones show up.)

Oh. Sorry, I missed the bit about the differing archs!

> That said, a simple workaround is (if someone really wants KDE for LTSP 
> clients):
> After the Debian installer reported the LTSP menu item as failed:
> (1) Activate a Debian installer shell.
> (2) Run 'rm target/opt/ltsp -rf'
> (3) Run 'rm target/var/cache/apt/archive/*_amd64.deb'
> (4) Go back to the installer gui.
> (5) Choose the LTSP menu item again.
> One could use an even simpler solution:
> Once the LTSP changeroot installation has started, do steps (1) and (3); the
> installation will run without issues.
> As far as Buster is concerned, the cache issue won't show up as the LTSP 
> chroot
> arch will be the same as the server one.



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