
> In Oslo we discussed about what should be the default desktop (being 
> MATE at that time); iirc we decided to keep KDE as default but to 
> recommend LXDE for LTSP clients. On the mailing lists there was feedback 
> (also after the Stretch release) that LXDE was well suited for LTSP. So 
> it's somehow known...

> […]

> KDE works quite well for profiles 'Standalone', 'Roaming-Workstation' 
> and 'Workstation'. Just for LTSP clients a decent desktop like KDE (or 
> GNOME) isn't really suited.

If MATE was the default, why was LXDE chosen?

Also, I do not think that MATE is not a "decent desktop".

For buster, please let's decide for one default for all, set that both
on the media and in the manual, and extra points for not diverting from
Debian's default ;).


Dominik George (1. Vorstandsvorsitzender, pädagogischer Leiter)
Teckids e.V. - Erkunden, Entdecken, Erfinden.

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