El lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018 11:17:37 -03 Mattia Rizzolo escribió:
> On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 10:41:47AM -0300, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez 
Meyer wrote:
> > = On the reproducible side:
> > - Ben Hutchings marked #876035 as minor
> > <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=876035#16>
> > I do not understand the rationale but he is the kernel maintainer so I'll
> > simply trust him here.
> The rationale is that this is a very uncommon configuration (an i386
> with loads of RAM).
> > - They are using oldstable, which is clearly something we do not intend to
> > support with Qt 5.10. With our maintainer hat on: of course if there is
> > something we can do the better, but within some limits, like what upstream
> > expects.
> *we are not using oldstable*, at least not in the way I understand your
> sentence.
> That Qt 5.10 is running in regular unstable chroots.
> We are simply using a tad older kernel from second-last LTS release.

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough: yes, I was actually expecting that. Still and 
oldstable kernel, so not a target for Qt 5.10 I'm afraid.

> Consider that glibc currently requires Linux 3.2.

But Qt requires a newer kernel it seems.

> > - We do not know the impact we create by disabling the getentropy feature.
> > And normally that stuff is related to criptography. Believe me I don't
> > want to mess with that.
> That's my fear as well indeed :(
> What do you recomend to look at to discover what uses that feature?

Contacting upstream, specially whoever did the code:


Might require subscription though.

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  StucKman en #grulic, irc.freenode.net

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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