On Tue, 15 May 2018 11:22:24 +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:

> > Maybe "-oneline" would be helpful?
> > 
> > % ip -4 -oneline addr show dev eth0 scope global 
> I've put -oneline into that line which starts with "addr=$(" and
> changed $2 to $4 in the awk command. That sufficed to fix the display
> of the local address.

Great, thanks for checking!
That's also the same as Barak's fix in his repo, which I've already
copied into my packaging repo. This just leaves 1) the other issue
with finding an ethernet device, and 2) maybe your other problem:
> But I didn't get a connection, so there might be some less visible
> things broken, too, with the iodine-client-start script (which I used
> successfully with that configuration in the past).


If I start iodine with iodine-client-start I can ping and connect via
ssh to the "other" side of the tunnel but I don't get any further

> I though was able to successfully create an iodine tunnel with the
> iodine NetworkManager plugin. So in general, iodine is usuable over
> that network. 

That's good news.
Do you have any idea about the difference, i.e. does "ps" show a
different invocation of iodine when run from network-manager-iodine-gnome
than when started by iodine-client-start, or does the output of "ip
a" and/or "ip r" look significatnly different?

*A bit later*

Ha, fixed (my problem :)). I had some weird iptables stuff on my
server. Which doesn't explain the difference you're seeing between
network-manager-iodine-gnome and iodine-client-start.

Barak, did you have any positive or negative experiences with iodine


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