On Tue, 31 Jul 2018 17:17:54 +0200 Svante Signell
<svante.sign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Source: cmake
> Version: 3.11.2-1
> Severity: serious
> Tags: patch
> Usertags: linux-any, freebsd-any, hurd-any
> Hello,
> cmake FTBFS with recent a version of libuv1: 1.22.0-x. The build for
> most architectures was made 60+ days ago, then with 1.20.3-x. Since
> then two upstream versions was released and the specific change was for
> 1.21.0:
> * core: move all include files except uv.h to uv/ (Saúl Ibarra
> Corretgé)
> The attached patch, Source_Modules_FindLibUV.cmake.diff, fixes the
> build for linux-any architectures by looking for libuv header files in
> /usr/include/uv in addition to /usr/include/uv-* headers. This patch
> also affects #900240 and #905138 and is needed for successful builds.


Upstream appears to [have merged a patch] for this bug about a month ago
(i.e. they were aware of it before this bug was filed).

@Felix: Could we have their fix cherry-picked to unstable?


[have merged a patch]:

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