On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 21:54:11 +0530 Pirate Praveen
<prav...@onenetbeyond.org> wrote:
> The only package that depends on node-tar-pack is node-pre-gyp, which
> has a newer upstream release that no longer depends on tar-pack.

I have uploaded a new upstream version of node-pre-gyp (0.6.32-1 ->
0.10.2-1)  to experimental. node-mapnik, node-sqlite3 and node-zipfile
are its reverse dependencies.

Lazslo, Sebastian, Jeremy, can you confirm if this version is compatible
with your package? I'd like to upload this to unstable soon. Since it is
still in 0.x I assume it can have breaking changes, so just giving a
heads up to be extra careful here.

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