On 08/19/2018 08:27 PM, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 21:54:11 +0530 Pirate Praveen wrote:
>> The only package that depends on node-tar-pack is node-pre-gyp, which
>> has a newer upstream release that no longer depends on tar-pack.
> I have uploaded a new upstream version of node-pre-gyp (0.6.32-1 ->
> 0.10.2-1)  to experimental. node-mapnik, node-sqlite3 and node-zipfile
> are its reverse dependencies.
> Lazslo, Sebastian, Jeremy, can you confirm if this version is compatible
> with your package?

I don't know, you should do a round of rebuilds to find out.

> I'd like to upload this to unstable soon. Since it is
> still in 0.x I assume it can have breaking changes, so just giving a
> heads up to be extra careful here.

Kind Regards,


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