clone 907057 -1
retitle -1 libphysfs: constant fsync calls seriously degrade performance
reassign -1 src:libphysfs
affects -1 neverball

Am 27.08.2018 um 03:36 schrieb Uoti Urpala:
> On Sun, 2018-08-26 at 17:59 +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 17:56:01 +0300 Uoti Urpala <>
>> wrote:
>>> Neverball automatically saves a replay of the latest run on disk while
>>> playing. In the Debian package, the binary constantly calls fsync() on
>>> this file, which very seriously degrades performance. If the issue is
>>> not obvious when trying to reproduce, try on a machine with as slow a
>>> spinning disk as possible.
>>> This is likely a libphysfs issue. Neverball code contains no direct
>>> fsync() calls. Neverball upstream has changed the default filesystem
>>> backend to be stdio instead of libphysfs, and current upstream code
>>> (with no physfs) does not display the problem.
>> Why did you report this bug against neverball instead of libphysfs when
>> all the issues you describe are related to libphysfs?
> Neverball is broken so at least a bug blocked by a physfs bug would be
> appropriate in any case, and I assume that the easiest way to fix the
> problem would be to change the Neverball package to stop using
> libphysfs.

I cannot confirm that Neverball is broken. I don't see any performance
issues on my system which is a X230 Lenovo Laptop, not quite a gaming
laptop but capable to play the game. However I cannot test whether there
is a performance degradation on slower non-SSD hard disks. So this may
or may not an issue for older hard disks.

Not using libphysfs would be a workaround and not a fix. Hence I am
going to clone and reassign this bug report to libphysfs. Upstream have
not been released a new version for years. Perhaps I will try a recent
Git snapshot in the future but this surely must be fixed upstream.
Please ask the upstream developers of Neverball to investigate this
issue and release a new version. This is not actionable by Debian itself.


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