Am 29.08.2018 um 15:08 schrieb Uoti Urpala:
> On Mon, 2018-08-27 at 23:13 +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> Am 27.08.2018 um 03:36 schrieb Uoti Urpala:
>>> Neverball is broken so at least a bug blocked by a physfs bug would be
>>> appropriate in any case, and I assume that the easiest way to fix the
>>> problem would be to change the Neverball package to stop using
>>> libphysfs.
>> I cannot confirm that Neverball is broken. I don't see any performance
>> issues on my system which is a X230 Lenovo Laptop, not quite a gaming
>> laptop but capable to play the game. However I cannot test whether there
>> is a performance degradation on slower non-SSD hard disks. So this may
>> or may not an issue for older hard disks. 
> If FPS stays sufficiently high that it's not a visible issue, you could
> try running the binary under strace for example and verify that there
> are lots of fsync calls while playing. (The calls probably aren't good
> for the SSD either, even if they don't prevent playing the game.)
> strace -e fsync -o /tmp/file neverball

My point is that it isn't something most players would experience as a
serious performance penalty. The game hasn't changed in years, so either
it is not perceived as something really serious by many or there is a
recent regression in libphysfs. Then it should be fixed there.

>> Not using libphysfs would be a workaround and not a fix. Hence I am
> I'm not sure why you're saying this. Given that upstream Neverball has
> also stopped defaulting to libphysfs use, it seems like a quite
> reasonable solution.

Sure, not using your car when the tires are flat and instead going to
work by train is a reasonable solution, if you don't want to be late.
Most people will still want to fix the tires though because that's the
issue at hand.

>> going to clone and reassign this bug report to libphysfs. Upstream have
>> not been released a new version for years. Perhaps I will try a recent
>> Git snapshot in the future but this surely must be fixed upstream.
>> Please ask the upstream developers of Neverball to investigate this
>> issue and release a new version. This is not actionable by Debian itself.
> AFAIK the version currently in Debian can be built with libphysfs
> disabled too. "Not actionable" seems like an exaggeration, even without
> packaging a new non-release version.
> I just ran a quick test, and building without libphysfs-dev worked with
> "git checkout neverball-1.6.0; make -j 6 ENABLE_FS=stdio".

By not actionable I meant that upstream should do a proper release. This
is not something Debian can do. When they did that, we and all other
distributions would package the new release. It is absolutely not clear
whether they consider all there other changes as feature complete. In
the worst case, we fix this bug but open a can of worms for other users.
Yes, usually it is not as bad for games but surely for other software in
the archive. There is also a good reason for using fsync. It protects
you against data loss.

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