On 2018-09-21 14:58, Jonas Meurer wrote:
thanks for maintaining infinoted.

Would you mind if I uploaded an NMU of infinoted just with the patch
from this bugreport applied? I verified that the patch works. It's
somewhat annoying to not have init system integration of infinoted.

I'll go on with an NMU (to delayed-7) if I don't hear back from you.

I'm pretty reluctant to maintain an init script at all and that's the primary reason why I haven't merged one - as soon as it's legit to just have a systemd service, I'm very happy to add one to the packaging. I also think service files should've been submitted upstream and work consistently across platforms, which this one won't (due to the Debian-specific /etc/default setup, also infinoted.service references an ${OPTIONS} that isn't actually set?). It also uses /etc/infinoted for variable data (directory owned by the service user to store the key material there) but doesn't even put the config file into that directory - instead it lives in the non-discoverable /etc/xdg directory. I suppose given that it's managed by ucf it's not even a conffile (which is good, but again not discoverable).

I feel you could feel free to take over the package and if there's ongoing maintenance/migration work commit to that? Rather than doing an NMU for a wishlist bug? That'd be fine with me.

Kind regards and thanks
Philipp Kern

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