On 11/06/2018 03:48 PM, Bill Allombert wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 12:02:35PM +0100, Tobias Hansen wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> in the upstream ticket the question came up if we should focus on
>> porting sage to gap 4.9 or 4.10. If we manage to finish the patch for
>> gap 4.9 in time, would you promise not to upload gap 4.10 shortly
>> before the freeze if that would break sage again?
> Do not worry, I am not going to upload 4.10 shortly before the freeze,
> this is too risky even without taking Sage into account (which I
> definitely take into account).
> Maybe we need to decide on some cut off date for GAP 4.10.1
> release (4.10.1 was expected to be released on 2018/11/01).
> Would 2018/11/18 be agreeable to you ?
> Cheers,

I don't even know if 4.9 or 4.10 would be better for sage, just that having a 
decision soon would be good so that we can tell them what to target.

Best, Tobias

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