Le 20/11/2018 à 16:36, Xavier a écrit :
> Le 20/11/2018 à 15:53, Xavier a écrit :
>> Le 20/11/2018 à 15:10, Raphael Hertzog a écrit :
>>> Hi Xavier,
>> Hi Raphaël, thanks for your report!
>>> On Wed, 07 Nov 2018, Xavier wrote:
>>>> I think teams should publish their own salsa.conf files. If you agree, I
>>>> propose to stop adding feature to let Martin review the actual code and
>>>> add it to devscripts. Then after some tests in real life, we will be
>>>> able to continue adding new commands or options.
>>> I tried to use the tool for pkg-security today and I stumbled on a few
>>> issues:
>>> - no way to enable the "Emails on push" integration which is the most
>>>   important thing to configure for me
>> OK, I'm going to add this


>>> - no support for the "Irker (IRC gateway)" integration either (we
>>>   currently prefer the less verbose notifications of irker)
>> OK, let's add it


>>> See "Creating new repositories" on 
>>> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/pkg-security
>>> I also had SALSA_TOKEN="xxxxx" in a file referenced by SALSA_TOKEN_FILE
>>> in my main configuration file and this did not work, I had to stip the
>>> double quotes.
>> Right, I'm going to fix this.
>> Since devscripts loads its config file using sh, you can reference your
>> file using:
>>   # ~/.devscripts.conf
>>   source ~/my-token
>>   # ~/my-token
>>   SALSA_TOKEN="xxxxx"
>> This is not optimal but works also with double quotes


>>> The manual page does not document the value that we have to put into
>>> boolean variables (such as SALSA_TAGPENDING). I assume it's "yes/no"
>>> (or that yes/no should work). I have put this in my config file:
>>> Yet the tool always tells me that the variable merge_requests_enabled
>>> should be set to zero:
>>> $ salsa --conf-file +./pkg-security.conf check_repo --debug --verbose --all
>>> acct:
>>>     merge_requests_enabled should be 0
>>> [...]
>> This is a bug. looking...
> Unable to reproduce now, this bug seems fixed now. I'm going to provide
> a new .deb after adding other requests.

I built a new .deb:

>>> I used the last .deb that you built even if it's now older than the
>>> current version in sid.
>>> Cheers,
>> salsa isn't yet in sid, only in my fork
>> Cheers,
>> Xavier

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