On Sat, Dec 01, 2018 at 07:20:57PM +0100, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> * Currently, according to my `apt-file`, 259 binaries are shipped in /bin
>   directly, accross 85 packages. (for /sbin, 597 binaries for 190 packages).

This might sound like a stupid question, what will happen when a package
built on a usrmerged System will be installed on a non-usrmerged system?

Will binaries move from /usr/bin to /bin? Or will binaries move from
/bin to /usr/bin?

The former is likely to cause fun on upgrades, since root file systems
on systems that were installed with /usr on its own partition tend to be
rather smallish. Dumping the entire former content of /usr/{bin,sbin} to
/{bin,sbin} is likely to wreck those systems, most of them probably
being either embedded or in big datacenters where people usually don't
waste disk space for root file systems.


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