Package: src:pcapfix
Version: 1.1.4-1
Severity: normal


  Removing autopkgtest-satdep (0) ...
  autopkgtest [15:14:06]: test command1: pcapfix debian/test/test_2018.pcap
  autopkgtest [15:14:06]: test command1: [-----------------------
  [-] Cannot open input file: No such file or directory
  pcapfix 1.1.4 (c) 2012-2019 Robert Krause

  [*] Reading from file: debian/test/test_2018.pcap
  autopkgtest [15:14:07]: ERROR: testbed failure: testbed auxverb failed with 
exit code 254

The path to the .pcap file is wrong since 1.1.4-1.

In addition, the last line shows that the exit status of the test
command is making autopkgtest think that *it* failed rather than the
test command. It only supports exit 0-125 - is there any chance you
could chop off any larger exit codes please? In a script, something like

  pcapfix ...; RC=$?
  if [ "${RC}" -gt 125 ]; then
  exit ${RC}

(The closest bit of documentation I can find for this is in [0]:

  program's exit status will be that of the testbed command if the
  latter exits with a value from 0..125.


  If program fails it will exit 254 or 255

Where "program" is not the test program: it is an autopkgtest-internal
program to execute a given command inside the testbed.)


Iain Lane                                  [ ]
Debian Developer                                   [ ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ ]


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