Didier 'OdyX' Raboud writes ("Bug#922462: git debrebase convert-from-gbp fails 
on cups-filters with unhelpful error message"):
> Just after importing cups-filters' latest upstream releas, I considered moving
> to git debrebase (for the occasional patches); but didn't manage:
>     $ export LANG=C
>     $ git clone -b debian/experimental 
> https://salsa.debian.org/printing-team/cups-filters/ cups-filters 
>     $ cd cups-filters
>     $ git debrebase convert-from-gbp
>      .gitignore | 1 +
>      1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>     Use of uninitialized value $_[1] in sprintf at 
> /usr/share/dgit/gdr/perl5/Debian/Dgit/I18n.pm line 26.
>      at /usr/share/dgit/gdr/perl5/Debian/Dgit.pm line 145.
>             Debian::Dgit::__ANON__("Use of uninitialized value \$_[1] in 
> sprintf at /usr/share/dgi"...) called at 
> /usr/share/dgit/gdr/perl5/Debian/Dgit/I18n.pm line 26
>             Debian::Dgit::I18n::f_("upstream (%s) and HEAD are 
> not\x{a}identical in upstream files.  "..., undef, undef) called at 
> /usr/bin/git-debrebase line 2562
>             main::cmd_convert_from_gbp() called at /usr/bin/git-debrebase 
> line 3050

Well, I have fixed bug which was just in the error handling.  The
message you should have received is this:

git-debrebase: error: upstream (upstream/1.22.1) and HEAD are not
git-debrebase: identical in upstream files.  See diffstat above, or run
git-debrebase:   git diff 0030fffefd69db302f302c3494a08f192609b2a2 HEAD -- 
:!/debian :/

Doing that git-diff rune shows that you have made changes to the
toplevel .gitignore which are not in any patch.

I'm not sure whether git-debrebase convert-from-gbp should
automatically turn your .gitignore changes into a delta queue commit.
What do people think ?


Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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