Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Bug#922462: git debrebase convert-from-gbp fails on 
cups-filters with unhelpful error message"):
> Doing that git-diff rune shows that you have made changes to the
> toplevel .gitignore which are not in any patch.
> I'm not sure whether git-debrebase convert-from-gbp should
> automatically turn your .gitignore changes into a delta queue commit.
> What do people think ?

I should expand on this to explain why the answer to this question is
not simply `yes'.  ISTM that in a number of cases, the maintainer will
want instead to drop (some of) the .gitignore changes.

For example, in this case the change made to the upstream .gitignore
was precisely to ignore `.pc'.  Of course with git-debrebase one never
encounters a .pc directory and there is no need to have it in

So, Didier:

If you git rm your .gitignore, you can do the conversion.  You will
unfortunately encounter another half-broken error message.  In that
case, the correct message would be:

git-debrebase: snag detected (-funexpected-upstream-changes): history between 
upstream (upstream/1.22.1) and HEAD contains direct changes to upstream files - 
are you sure this is a gbp (patches-unapplied) branch?
list expected changes with:  git log --stat --ancestry-path 
0030fffefd69db302f302c3494a08f192609b2a2..HEAD -- :/ ':!/debian'

and running this shows two commits: `Merge upstream 1.22.1 version and
refresh git-dpm patches' where presumably .gitignore came in, and the
one I made which removed .gitignore again.  This is as expected,
under the circumstances.

With -funexpected-upstream-changes the conversion seems to go ahead.

I will fix the broken messages.


Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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