severity 662960 wishlist

The bug have been added tag "security", which is in sync with its TLS
deficiencies. However (as you noticed) "Severity" values (while they
might look innocently like plain English) have quite specific meanings
in BTS, which sometimes might be at odds with their common language

Because of that "Severity" is not just a number from 0-5 indicating
how much one would like for bug to be fixed, but something else.

"Severity: important" would indicate that package is just one small
step away from "rendering it completely unusable to everyone", which
looks too harsh to me in this case (as in many cases ssmtp is used
only for non-TLS plaintext SMTP delivery on LAN from satellite
machines to main MTA, which would then speak TLS to outside world

"Severity: wishlist" however (as opposed to "normal") subtly
indicates that there is some functionality that is *missing*, and
that someone needs to think it over and write it, and that it might
be a more complicated task and probably not an one-line-fix (and thus
it would probably left to upstream to fix it, as Debian maintainer in
most cases won't be fixing it h[im/er]self unless upstream is dead
and someone else provides a verified good patch). It also indicates
it might be due to design decisions, like here.

I do agree completely with you that package should strongly indicate
in its docs and description about it's TLS deficiencies. If someone
would write such a documentation patch, perhaps it might have a
chance to be included. 

[ As a side note, even with certificate checking in place there are a
lot of problems in todays "zillion untrusted CAs which we trust
anyway" security model, and even more so if you move from web
world (where clients try to be secure, and even people might
sometimes check basic credentials) to unattended MTA world where
almost nobody does, and vast majority of MTAs will simply by 
default silently downgrade to plaintext if they think anything 
might be problematic with TLS support etc. ]

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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