On Tue, 5 Mar 2019 23:26:58 +0100
Matija Nalis <mnalis-debian...@voyager.hr> wrote:

> Hi Celejar,
> you have raised severity to "serious" on ssmtp Debian package 
> in bug #662960, which is reserved for "Serious policy violations" as
> described at https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#severities
> It is customary to indicate exactly which section of Debian policy
> Manual (at https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/) the bug
> breaks when setting "serious" severity.

I concede that I was probably mistaken in raising the severity to
"serious". I was probably just so aggravated at the package promising
TLS support but silently failing to perform certificate validation
that I conflated the normal English meaning of "serious" with its
technical meaning in this context ;)

> While I do agree that limitations of TLS implementation should be
> prominently noted in package documentation and even description, I do
> not think that even completely non-existent TLS support qualifies for
> more than "important" severity (and more likely "normal" or
> "wishlist").

I do stand by my position that this is at least an "important" bug. I
agree that non-existent TLS support would be merely "wishlist" priority
- but not if the package assured the user that it was providing TLS but
silently failed to do so!

Another email in this report argues:

> Given its purpose - "extremely simple MTA [...]" - should this issue
> really be considered "serious" (and Release Critical) ?

Again, while I concede that this may not technically be RC, pointing
to the software's self-description as an "extremely simple MTA [...]"
misses the point: I have no problem with insecure software (I'm not
filing any bugs against telnet ;)), only with software that assures the
user of a certain level of security but does not provide it.

> Unless someone objects with specific Debian policy section that this
> package runs afoul, I'm going to revert its severity back to wishlist. 

Thank you for your work on Debian, and I apologize for my initial error.


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