On 3/19/19 3:29 AM, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> So I debugged this some more, and found out that the problem is that
> moving *any files* from /tmp to /etc does not work, but only within the
> Docker container running on travis-ci, and only when configured with
> “group: deprecated-2017Q3”. The fix is to remove that config option:
> https://github.com/i3/i3/pull/3650.
> I will write this off to kernel weirdness, but, independently of this
> issue, it might make sense to change update-ca-certificates to no longer
> need /tmp and instead create the temporary files within /etc, which
> would get us closer to an atomic replacement.

I appreciate the follow up. I did some quick reproduction attempts last
weekend, but was unable to get the same behavior, so this makes more
sense. There's another recent edge case bug, #923784 (full root
partition), that may benefit from using an explicit /etc path with
mktmp, so maybe we'll get a 2 for 1 fix.

Kind regards,

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