Eduard Bloch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jeez, you have ways of finding "similarities". I would hardly translate
> that as "rubbish" especially because of the context - it has been on the
> same polemic levels as your claims about gcc because of beeing less
> pervasive than Sun's compiler. Even then, is that all of my "false
> claims" that you can find? Maybe you better your own ways of checking
> the correctness of a program? I still wonder how you can declare hidding
> of filename truncation "okay", for example.

Der Ton macht die Musike and I did not quote everything just to protect you....

> What is so hard to understand? If you declare your source package as
> "medium" than it is okay to split it into atomic source packages with
> different license, following YOUR interpretation. In this case we have a
> build system package and a code package. But that code package does not
> have a component required to be built, which is required by the GPL!

It seems that you never did read and understand the GPL :-(

The GPL is as holey as a Swiss cheese when talking about the compile

-       It requires scripts to be present, but makefiles are no scripts,
        they are just code in a different language.

-       Sources based on the Schily Makefilesystem require 'smake' to
        compile on all platforms. Smake is not part of the source packages
        and not required by the GPL. On some of the platorms GNU make
        may help you but as GNU make is extremely buggy, you will have
        problems on almost every platform although GNU make claims to
        run enywhere. GNU make is not even present on mostz platforms.

-       The GPL does not require the Compiler or other needed programs
        to be part of the sources although they may be needed.

If you would understand enough from the topic, you would understand that
the "related" makefiles of my software are always present under the same
license as the rest of the project but the unrelated (because project 
indepentent) makefilesystem is just available under it's native license.


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