Package: devscripts
Version: 2.19.5
Severity: important

How to reproduce?

------debian/watch content--------
version=4 \

------cli log -----
$ uscan --verbose
uscan info: uscan (version 2.19.5) See uscan(1) for help
uscan info: Scan watch files in .
uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
uscan info: package="din" version="5.2.1-6" (as seen in
uscan info: package="din" version="5.2.1" (no epoch/revision)
uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="din" version="5.2.1"
uscan info: Process watch file at: debian/watch
    package = din
    version = 5.2.1
    pkg_dir = .
uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog):
uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (dversionmangled): 5.2.1
uscan info: Requesting URL:
uscan info: Matching pattern:
uscan info: Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest
   din-42.tar.gz (42) index=42-1 
   din-41.tar.gz (41) index=41-1 
   din-40.tar.gz (40) index=40-1 
   din-39.0.1.tar.gz (39.0.1) index=39.0.1-1 
   din-39.tar.gz (39) index=39-1 
   din-38a.tar.gz (38a) index=38a-1 
   din-38.tar.gz (38) index=38-1 
   din-37a.tar.gz (37a) index=37a-1 
   din-36.tar.gz (36) index=36-1 
   din-35.tar.gz (35) index=35-1 
   din-34.tar.gz (34) index=34-1 
   din-33.tar.gz (33) index=33-1 
   din-32.tar.gz (32) index=32-1 
   din-31.tar.gz (31) index=31-1 
   din-30.tar.gz (30) index=30-1 
   din-29.tar.gz (29) index=29-1 
   din-28.tar.gz (28) index=28-1 
uscan info: Looking at $base = with
    $filepattern = din-(.+)\.tar\.gz found
    $newfile     = din-42.tar.gz
    $newversion  = 42 which is newer than
    $lastversion = 5.2.1
uscan info: Matching target for downloadurlmangle:
uscan info: Upstream URL(+tag) to download is identified as   
uscan info: Filename (filenamemangled) for downloaded file:
uscan: Newest version of din on remote site is 42, local version is
uscan:    => Newer package available from
uscan info: Downloading upstream package: din-42.tar.gz
uscan info: Requesting URL:
uscan warn: In directory ., downloading
  /download/dinisnoise_source_code/din-42.tar.gz failed: 400 URL must be
uscan info: Failed to download upstream package: din-42.tar.gz
uscan info: Start checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP
signature files
uscan info: End checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature
uscan info: Missing OpenPGP signature.
uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (oversionmangled): 42
uscan warn: No upstream tarball downloaded. No further processing with
mk_origtargz ...
uscan info: Scan finished

where as the link is working with firefox

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