On Mon, 2019-07-22 at 12:01 +0100, Sean Whitton wrote:
> > "Also, SysV-style init scripts may be omitted for packages which have
> > an explicit dependency on an alternate init system."

What sort of dependencies are we talking about? Package-level
dependencies (e.g. Depends: systemd-sysv directly or indirectly)?

> People who don't like systemd have been working to provide replacements
> for these hard dependencies.  E.g. there is elogind so that packages
> which depend on logind can work on a sysvinit system.
> We would want to be careful to word this requirement such that it did
> not license maintainers to do things which block the work of those who
> don't like systemd.

How would this "block the work of those who don't like systemd"?

We do not have a requirement to ship systemd .service units, but that
doesn't seem to have blocked anyone from submitting patches adding
those.  It seems reasonable it would work the same for other init


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