Don Armstrong dijo [Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 06:06:59PM -0700]:
> I think this discussion is great and good to have; thanks for starting it!

I completely concur.

> As a point of order, the TC isn't responsible for deciding whether bugs
> are RC or not. That responsibility belongs with the Release Managers.
> [I don't think that should stop the TC from facilitating the decision
> and the baseline being enshrined in policy so the RMs can rely on it to
> decide whether it is RC or not.]

As we are at DebConf (from which most of the participants of this
thread so far are sorely missed), we have been exchanging some
heigher-bandwidth interactions.

I feel you are expressing the consensus we have found so far
informally. Thing is, the release managers have not been invested
formally of this power - But I think this is the way to be pursued. I
quite liked Ian's proposal of introducing "supported" and "reasonable"
as long-standing concepts that could be enshrined in our basic
documents (i.e. constitution) and in delegations. That way, they could
be rephrased - The Release Team delegation's task description can then
include keeping an updated qualifications for supported build
requirements, and thus, for determining whether a bug report regarding
the minimum characteristics of a system, determine whether the FTBFS
bugs it generates are RC or not.

[ I would like to write more, but.... Well, three beers are already in
  my system, as it is customary by 22:30 at DebConf. ]

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