Am 25.07.2019 um 14:24 teilte Norbert Preining mit:

Hi Norbert,

No need to be lintian clean. It should be lintian clean when we tag a
release, not before. Please don't hesitate to commit half-backed not
ready stuff, that is normal!!

Looking forward to your work.

OK, I pushed everything to github. Here is the remaining lintian stuff

Now running lintian dvisvgm_2.7.3-1_amd64.changes ...
W: dvisvgm source: useless-autoreconf-build-depends autotools-dev
W: dvisvgm source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique gpl-3+
(paragraph at line 11)
W: dvisvgm source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique gpl-3+
(paragraph at line 63)
W: dvisvgm source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique mit (paragraph
at line 128)
W: dvisvgm source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique gpl-2+
(paragraph at line 179)
E: dvisvgm: possible-gpl-code-linked-with-openssl
W: dvisvgm: description-synopsis-starts-with-article
Finished running lintian.

- the copyright file needs overhaul
- the possible-gpl-code-linked-with-openssl could eventually be resolved
  by statical linking w/ the delivered libs/md5 instead of dyn link
  against libssl. I'll try again later.
- I did not push the orig.tar.gz to pristine-tar branch yet, it is on
  [1], please push the code.
- you can't build the package twice using debuild. The reason is that
  make distclean deletes the manual page, which is not re-created during
  build. I've opened [2] for now.

Have fun!



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