
On 31.07.19 11:30, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Ulrike Uhlig, le mer. 31 juil. 2019 11:20:38 +0200, a ecrit:
>> On 30.07.19 18:07, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>>> Since python2 packages are being phased out, perhaps we can simply
>>> directly move to python3-dogtail, or do some people still need a
>>> python-dogtail package? (there are no rdeps in Debian itself).
>> I think this is indeed desirable.
> Which one do you think is desirable? :)
> - directly move to python3-dogtail, or
> - have a python-dogtail for some time.

Sorry if my reply was unclear: I think it's fine to move to
python3-dogtail directly.


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