Am 02.08.19 um 13:57 schrieb 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson:
> OK, but the user wonders "maybe the two sources aren't even aware of
> each other, that's why they are duplicating their work."

A Debian maintainer must be aware of an upstream project in order to
package it. Packaging is alway a conscious decision and packaging addons
for Firefox or Chromium is no different than packaging LibreOffice or
Firefox. Of course many upstream projects provide binaries themselves
but still we package these applications because we believe that the
benefit of integrating software into Debian outweighs that work.

> And "Odd, some items in the Chrome Web Store are also available as
> Debian packages. Why the fuss?"

For me ublock-origin and https-everywhere are essential Firefox addons
hence why I work on them for Debian. They should be part of
Firefox/Chromium anyway in my opinion. And since I trust Debian more
than some random project/ftp/http server I stick with the Debian version
whenever possible.

> All items for an FAQ.

Maybe something for but not really for the package
description, not even for a README because it is a really general topic.

> Anyway, I suppose the Chrome Web Store version will always be newer or
> equal to the Debian version.

Of course because there is always a delay between the release of a new
upstream version and the inclusion in Debian. That cannot be avoided.


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