> And ubuntu is now shipping 1.0
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubernetes/1.0

AFAIK there is no "Kubernetes 1.0".
Kubernetes has an almost extreme cadence of new releases; we're at 1.15.2
right now and the next major release (1.16) is already in alpha.

> May this be synced back to debian or is there any blocking dependencies ?

As the bug author has stated, it's a massive amount of work to release new
Kubernetes versions on Debian. Doing so in a timely manner would require more

That being said, I think dependency management for Go packages has improved a
lot in Debian, Go and the Kubernetes project thanks to Go modules, and it
should be possible to add a bit of automation there. It's still necessary to
do all the grunt work, checking licenses, verifying buildability, etc.

While I'm a bit disappointed that Debian does not maintain up to date
Kubernetes binaries, not even kubectl, I currently don't have the time to work
on them on my own.

I'd be glad to help, however, if someone wants to point me in the right
direction. Is there some sort of documentation, script or dpkg template for
easy Debian go-* packaging available? Ideally something that would also
produce packaging for dependencies as listed by go mod?

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